
Statement about my felting art

My art will relate to my interest in exploring the splendour of nature.

I like to depict the harmony between natural and man-made, using simple lines, whereas colour is my favourite tool to balance my compositions.

My wall-hangings are in the first place an interpretation of the overwhelming beauty of colours which I spot in nature.
No photographic view but an artistic impression with my own aesthetic values as starting point.
Sometimes I work with pure, by nature itself coloured animal fleeces which result in an abstract in subdued earth tones.
In turn, a sunset will be translated abundantly in energetic reds.
Some of my work is monochromatic because I find that concentrating on one colour increases the psychological and symbolic associations the viewer has with colour.
However, I am equally fond of using the full spectrum of saturated colours since it can create a sense of sheer exuberance and joy which I hope will lift the spirits and delight the eyes of those who see them.
The intensity of the colours in which felting wool is currently available gives me much pleasure and a great many opportunities to experiment with.

The tactile and absorbent properties of wool are perfect for decorative purposes, but for me this is not a point of departure. Rather is it a challenge to explore and combine the centuries-old felt technique with modern materials and current artistic knowledge.
The idea to translate my pastels in woolen wall-coverings has gradually been developed and proved to be a source of undreamt-prospects.

Not only examining the work of other artists provided me with a wealth of knowledge but joining hands with local artists as well as frequently visiting museums and galleries is and always will be a welcome source of information.
In creating these wall-hangings, my intention is to visually uplift and energize both the viewer and the space.

Lots of fun

Tiny de Graaf

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Het Pand

Het Pand

My studio in Bussum, the heart of The Netherlands.

It is a joy to have my felt and painting studio both in one place. My aim is to connect both disciplines and develop new way to express myself.